Old Testament

New Testament

2 Esdras 15:24-43-44 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

24. Sinners who do not keep my commands are doomed,” says the Lord.

25. “I will have no mercy on them! Out of my sight, you rebels! Do not defile my holy Temple.”

26. God is aware of all those who sin against him, and he will hand them over to death and destruction.

27. Terrible disasters have already come upon the world, and there is no escape. You have sinned against God, and he will not rescue you.

28. Then in the east you will suddenly see a fearsome sight.

29. Arab armies with many chariots will advance like dragons. As soon as they start out, the sound of their hissing will spread across the world and bring fear and trembling to everyone who hears it.

30. The Carmonians will come out of the forest in a fierce rage like wild boars advancing in full strength to attack the dragons. With their tusks they will tear up a large part of Assyria,

31. but the dragons will unite their forces, regain their former strength, and win the victory. They will turn and pursue the wild boars,

32. who will be thrown into panic, beaten into silence, and forced to turn and run.

33. The wild boars will be ambushed in Assyria, and one of them will be killed. This will bring fear and panic to their army and indecision to their kings.

34. Then suddenly clouds — terrible, angry storm clouds — will cover the sky from one end to the other.

35. They will collide head-on and release their violence upon the earth. The blood of war will be as deep as a horse's belly

36. or a human thigh or a camel's knee.

37. Everywhere on earth people will tremble in fear at the horrible sight.

38. Then great storm clouds will move in from the north and the south, and others from the west.

39. But the winds from the east will prevail and push back those angry storm clouds that were about to bring destruction.

40-41. Huge, powerful, angry storm clouds will arise and ruin the whole world and its people. A terrible storm of fire, hail, and flashing swords will come sweeping down on those who have power and authority. Every river will overflow into the fields, and the floods

42. will demolish cities, walls, mountains, hills, forests, and crops.

43-44. This destruction will press on until it reaches Babylon and engulfs it in a raging storm of ruin. The dust and the smoke will form a great cloud reaching to the sky, and all the neighbouring cities will mourn for Babylon.

Read complete chapter 2 Esdras 15