Old Testament

New Testament

2 Esdras 13:21-38 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

21. “I will explain to you the meaning of the vision and answer the questions you have asked.

22. You have raised questions about those who will survive until the end. The answer is that

23. the one who brings the dangers in those days will also protect from danger the people who have stored up good works and faithfulness with God the Almighty One.

24. You may be certain that those who survive are far more fortunate than those who die.

25. “This is the meaning of the vision. The man you saw coming up out of the sea

26. represents the one whom God Most High has kept ready for many ages. He will free the world he created and establish the new order for those who survive.

27. You saw the wind, fire, and storm going out of the man's mouth,

28. and you saw that without the use of a spear or any other weapon he destroyed the great crowd that was advancing to attack him. This means that

29. the time is near when God Most High will begin to free the people on earth.

30. At that time everyone will be close to panic.

31. They will begin to make war against one another, city against city, region against region, nation against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.

32. When that happens, the signs I told you about earlier will take place, and then I will reveal my son, whom you saw as a man coming up out of the sea.

33. When they hear his voice, all the nations will leave their own territory, forget their wars with one another,

34. and come together in one great crowd too large to count, as you saw in your dream. The nations will unite with the single purpose of making war on my son.

35. He will take his stand on the top of Mount Zion,

36. and the new Jerusalem will be seen by everyone. It will be completed and fully built, just as in your dream you saw the mountain carved out, but not by human hands.

37. Then my son will condemn the assembled nations for their godlessness. That is what the storm meant.

38. He will confront them with the wicked plans they have made and also with the torments they must endure. That is what the flames meant. Then he will easily destroy them by means of the Law. That is what the fire meant.

Read complete chapter 2 Esdras 13