Old Testament

New Testament

2 Esdras 10:27-35 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

27. When I looked up, I could no longer see the woman, but there was a city built on huge foundations. I was afraid and shouted,

28. “Where is the angel Uriel, who came to me earlier? It is his fault that I am so confused. My prayer is useless, and I have nothing to hope for but death.”

29. I was still speaking when the angel Uriel appeared again. He saw me

30. lying there unconscious like a corpse, so he took hold of my right-hand, gave me strength, and stood me on my feet. Then he asked,

31. “What's the matter? Why are you so disturbed and confused?”

32. I answered, “You abandoned me completely! I did as you told me and came out to this field, but I cannot explain what I am seeing.”

33. “Stand up straight,” he answered, “and I will explain it to you.”

34. “Sir,” I answered, “please explain it to me. I will die in my frustration if you leave me,

35. for I cannot understand what I have seen and heard.

Read complete chapter 2 Esdras 10