Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 3:8-19 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

8. He went through the towns of Judeaand destroyed all the godless men.He relieved Israel of its terrible suffering.

9. His fame spread to the ends of the earth,as he gathered together those who were threatened with death.

10. Then Apollonius assembled a Gentile army, including a large force from Samaria, to attack the people of Israel.

11. When Judas learnt of this, he marched out to battle, defeated the army, and killed Apollonius. Many Gentiles lost their lives, and the rest fled.

12. When the spoils of war were collected, Judas took the sword of Apollonius and used it in battle until the day he died.

13. Seron, the general of the Syrian forces, learnt that Judas had gathered together an army, consisting of a band of loyal men who were ready to fight under his command.

14. Seron said to himself, “I will make a reputation for myself throughout the empire by defeating Judas and his men, who have no respect for the king's command.”

15. Then he began a new campaign against Judas and was joined by a strong force of godless men who were eager to help him take vengeance on Israel.

16. When he approached the pass at Beth Horon, Judas went out to meet him with a small group of men.

17. When Judas' men saw the army coming against them, they asked, “How can our little group of men fight an army as big as that? Besides, we have not eaten all day, and we are tired!”

18. “It is not difficult,” Judas answered, “for a small group to overpower a large one. It makes no difference to the Lord whether we are rescued by many people or by just a few.

19. Victory in battle does not depend on who has the largest army; it is the Lord's power that determines the outcome.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 3