Old Testament

New Testament

1 Maccabees 12:33-43 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

33. Meanwhile, Simon had also set out on a campaign and had advanced as far as Ashkelon and the neighbouring fortresses. Then he turned aside to Joppa

34. and stationed a detachment of soldiers there because he heard that the people were planning to hand over the fortress of Joppa to the soldiers of Demetrius.

35. When Jonathan returned, he called the council of the leaders together and made plans with them to build fortresses in Judea,

36. to increase the height of the walls of Jerusalem, and to build a high wall to separate the fort from the city. This would isolate the fort, making it impossible for the enemy to buy or sell anything.

37. The people worked together to strengthen the city's defences because a part of the east wall along the valley of the Kidron had collapsed and the Chaphenatha section was in need of repair.

38. Simon also rebuilt the town of Adida in the foothills. He fortified it and constructed barred gates for it.

39. Then Trypho plotted a rebellion against King Antiochus so that he could make himself king of Syria.

40. He was afraid, however, that Jonathan would not agree to this and would go to war against him to prevent it. So Trypho got his army ready and went to Beth Shan in the hope of capturing Jonathan and putting him to death.

41. But Jonathan also came to Beth Shan with 40,000 well-trained soldiers.

42. When Trypho saw how large an army Jonathan had brought with him, he was afraid to take action.

43. So he received Jonathan with all honours, presented him to all his advisers, gave him gifts, and ordered his advisers and soldiers to obey Jonathan as they would obey him.

Read complete chapter 1 Maccabees 12