Old Testament

New Testament

1 Corinthians 14:10-30 Good News Bible Anglicised (GNBDC)

10. There are many different languages in the world, yet none of them is without meaning.

11. But if I do not know the language being spoken, those who use it will be foreigners to me and I will be a foreigner to them.

12. Since you are eager to have the gifts of the Spirit, you must try above everything else to make greater use of those which help to build up the church.

13. The person who speaks in strange tongues, then, must pray for the gift to explain what is said.

14. For if I pray in this way, my spirit prays indeed, but my mind has no part in it.

15. What should I do, then? I will pray with my spirit, but I will pray also with my mind; I will sing with my spirit, but I will sing also with my mind.

16. When you give thanks to God in spirit only, how can ordinary people taking part in the meeting say “Amen” to your prayer of thanksgiving? They have no way of knowing what you are saying.

17. Even if your prayer of thanks to God is quite good, other people are not helped at all.

18. I thank God that I speak in strange tongues much more than any of you.

19. But in church worship I would rather speak five words that can be understood, in order to teach others, than speak thousands of words in strange tongues.

20. Do not be like children in your thinking, my brothers and sisters; be children so far as evil is concerned, but be grown-up in your thinking.

21. In the Scriptures it is written:“By means of people speaking strange languagesI will speak to my people, says the Lord.I will speak through lips of foreigners,but even then my people will not listen to me.”

22. So then, the gift of speaking in strange tongues is proof for unbelievers, not for believers, while the gift of proclaiming God's message is proof for believers, not for unbelievers.

23. If, then, the whole church meets together and everyone starts speaking in strange tongues — and if some ordinary people or unbelievers come in, won't they say that you are all crazy?

24. But if everyone is proclaiming God's message when some unbelievers or ordinary people come in, they will be convinced of their sin by what they hear. They will be judged by all they hear,

25. their secret thoughts will be brought into the open, and they will bow down and worship God, confessing, “Truly God is here among you!”

26. This is what I mean, my brothers and sisters. When you meet for worship, one person has a hymn, another a teaching, another a revelation from God, another a message in strange tongues, and still another the explanation of what is said. Everything must be of help to the church.

27. If someone is going to speak in strange tongues, two or three at the most should speak, one after the other, and someone else must explain what is being said.

28. But if no one is there who can explain, then the one who speaks in strange tongues must be quiet and speak only to himself and to God.

29. Two or three who are given God's message should speak, while the others are to judge what they say.

30. But if someone sitting in the meeting receives a message from God, the one who is speaking should stop.

Read complete chapter 1 Corinthians 14