Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 8:8-17 God's Word Translation (GW)

8. Everything I say is fair,and there is nothing twisted or crooked in it.

9. All of it is clear to a person who has understandingand right to those who have acquired knowledge.

10. Take my discipline, not silver,and my knowledge rather than fine gold,

11. because wisdom is better than jewels.Nothing you desire can equal it.

12. “I, Wisdom, live with insight,and I acquire knowledge and foresight.

13. To fear the Lord is to hate evil.I hate pride, arrogance, evil behavior, and twisted speech.

14. Advice and priceless wisdom are mine.I, Understanding, have strength.

15. Through me kings reign,and rulers decree fair laws.

16. Through me princes rule,so do nobles and all fair judges.

17. I love those who love me.Those eagerly looking for me will find me.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 8