Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 3:2-17 God's Word Translation (GW)

2. because they will bring youlong life, good years, and peace.

3. Do not let mercy and truth leave you.Fasten them around your neck.Write them on the tablet of your heart.

4. Then you will find favor and much successin the sight of God and humanity.

5. Trust the Lord with all your heart,and do not rely on your own understanding.

6. In all your ways acknowledge him,and he will make your paths smooth.

7. Do not consider yourself wise.Fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.

8. ⌊Then⌋ your body will be healed,and your bones will have nourishment.

9. Honor the Lord with your wealthand with the first and best part of all your income.

10. Then your barns will be full,and your vats will overflow with fresh wine.

11. Do not reject the discipline of the Lord, my son,and do not resent his warning,

12. because the Lord warns the one he loves,even as a father warns a son with whom he is pleased.

13. Blessed is the one who finds wisdomand the one who obtains understanding.

14. The profit ⌊gained⌋ from ⌊wisdom⌋ is greater thanthe profit ⌊gained⌋ from silver.Its yield is better than fine gold.

15. ⌊Wisdom⌋ is more precious than jewels,and all your desires cannot equal it.

16. Long life is in ⌊wisdom’s⌋ right hand.In ⌊wisdom’s⌋ left hand are riches and honor.

17. ⌊Wisdom’s⌋ ways are pleasant ways,and all its paths lead to peace.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 3