Old Testament

New Testament

Obadiah 1:4-14 God's Word Translation (GW)

4. Even though you fly high like an eagleand build your nest among the stars,I will bring you down from there,” declares the Lord.

5. “If thieves or looters come to you during the night,won’t they steal only until they’ve had enough?You will be ruined!If people come to pick your grapes,won’t they leave a few grapes behind?

6. But you, Esau, will lose everything.Even your hidden treasures will be looted.

7. All your allies will force you to leave your land.The people who are at peace with you will deceive you.Those who eat food with you will set traps for you,and you won’t even know about it.

8. “On that day I will destroy the wise people in Edomand take wisdom away from Esau’s mountain,” declares the Lord.

9. “Teman, your warriors will be terrified.Everyone on Esau’s mountain will be slaughtered.

10. “Because of the violence you did to Jacob, your relative,you will be covered with shame.You will be destroyed forever.

11. While you stood there doing nothing,strangers carried off Jacob’s wealth.Foreigners entered his gates and threw dice for Jerusalem.You acted like one of them.

12. Don’t gloat over your relative’s misfortuneor be happy when the people of Judah are destroyed.Don’t brag so much when they’re in distress.

13. Don’t march through the gates of my people when disaster strikesor gloat over their misery when disaster strikes.Don’t take their wealth when disaster strikes.

14. Don’t stand at the crossroads to kill their refugees.Don’t hand over their survivors when they’re in distress.

Read complete chapter Obadiah 1