Old Testament

New Testament

Nehemiah 7:39-59 God's Word Translation (GW)

39. These priests returned from exile:the descendants of Jedaiah (through the family of Jeshua)—973

40. of Immer—1,052

41. of Pashhur—1,247

42. of Harim—1,017

43. These Levites returned from exile:the descendants of Jeshua, that is, of Kadmiel ⌊and⌋ of Hodeiah—74

44. These singers returned from exile:the descendants of Asaph—148

45. These gatekeepers returned from exile:the descendants of Shallum, Ater, Talmon, Akkub, Hatita, and Shobai—138

46. These temple servants returned from exile: the descendants of Ziha, Hasupha, Tabbaoth,

47. Keros, Sia, Padon,

48. Lebanah, Hagabah, Shalmai,

49. Hanan, Giddel, Gahar,

50. Reaiah, Rezin, Nekoda,

51. Gazzam, Uzza, Paseah,

52. Besai, Meunim, Nephusheshim,

53. Bakbuk, Hakupha, Harhur,

54. Bazlith, Mehida, Harsha,

55. Barkos, Sisera, Temah,

56. Neziah, and Hatipha.

57. These descendants of Solomon’s servants returned from exile: the descendants of Sotai, Sophereth, Perida,

58. Jaala, Darkon, Giddel,

59. Shephatiah, Hattil, Pochereth Hazzebaim, and Amon.

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