Old Testament

New Testament

Job 35:1-10 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Elihu continued to speak ⌊to Job and his friends⌋,

2. “Do you think this is rightwhen you say, ‘My case is more just than God’s,’

3. when you ask, ‘What benefit is it to you?’and, ‘What would I gain by sinning?’

4. I will answer you and your friends.

5. “Look at the heavens and see.Observe the clouds high above you.

6. If you’ve sinned, what effect can you have on God?If you’ve done many wrongs, what can you do to him?

7. If you’re righteous, what can you give him,or what can he get from you?

8. Your wickedness affects only someone like yourself.Your righteousness affects only the descendants of Adam.

9. The weight of oppression makes them cry out.The power of mighty people makes them call for help.

10. But no one asks,‘Where is God, my Creator,who inspires songs in the night,

Read complete chapter Job 35