Old Testament

New Testament

Job 31:12-21 God's Word Translation (GW)

12. It would be a fire that burns even in Abaddon.It would uproot my entire harvest.

13. “If I have abused the rights of my servants, male or female,when they have disagreed with me,

14. then what could I do if God rises up?If he examines me, how could I answer him?

15. Didn’t he who made me in my mother’s belly make them?Didn’t the same God form us in the womb?

16. “If I have refused the requests of the pooror made a widow’s eyes stop ⌊looking for help⌋,

17. or have eaten my food alonewithout letting the orphan eat any of it. . . .

18. (From my youth the orphan grew up with meas though I were his father,and from my birth I treated the widow kindly.)

19. If I have seen anyone die because he had no clothesor a poor person going naked. . . .

20. (If his body didn’t bless me,or the wool from my sheep didn’t keep him warm. . . .)

21. If I have shaken my fist at an orphanbecause I knew that others would back me up in court,

Read complete chapter Job 31