Old Testament

New Testament

Job 12:15-22 God's Word Translation (GW)

15. When he holds back the waters, there is a drought.When he releases them, they flood the earth.

16. “God has power and priceless wisdom.He owns ⌊both⌋ the deceiver and the person who is deceived.

17. He leads counselors away barefootand makes fools out of judges.

18. He loosens kings’ beltsand strips them of their pants.

19. He leads priests away barefootand misleads those who serve in a temple.

20. He makes trusted advisers unable to speakand takes away the good judgment of respected leaders.

21. He pours contempt on influential peopleand unbuckles the belt of the mighty.

22. He uncovers mysteries ⌊hidden⌋ in the darknessand brings gloom into the light.

Read complete chapter Job 12