Old Testament

New Testament

Isaiah 52:1-7 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. Wake up! Wake up! Clothe yourself with strength, Zion!Put on your beautiful clothes, holy city of Jerusalem.Godless and evil people will no longer come to you.

2. Shake the dust from yourselves.Get up, captive Jerusalem.Free yourself from the chains around your neck, captive people of Zion.

3. This is what the Lord says: You were sold, but no price was paid. You will be bought back, but without money.

4. This is what the Almighty Lord says: In the beginning my people went to Egypt to live there as foreigners. Later the Assyrians oppressed them for no reason.

5. So what do I find here? asks the Lord. My people are taken away for no reason. Their rulers are screaming, declares the Lord. And my name is cursed all day long.

6. Now my people will know my name. When that day comes, ⌊they will know⌋ that I am the one who says, “Here I am!”

7. How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of the messengerwho announces the good news, “All is well.”He brings the good news,announces salvation,and tells Zion that its God rules as king.

Read complete chapter Isaiah 52