Old Testament

New Testament

Ezekiel 26:12-21 God's Word Translation (GW)

12. His troops will loot your riches and take your goods as prizes. They will destroy your walls and tear down your delightful homes. They will throw your stones, wood, and soil into the water.

13. “I will put a stop to your noisy songs, and the music from your harps will no longer be heard.

14. I will turn you into bare rock. You will become a place to spread fishing nets. You will never be rebuilt. I, the Lord, have spoken, declares the Almighty Lord.

15. “This is what the Almighty Lord says to Tyre: The people who live on the coast will shake with fear when they hear about your defeat. They will groan when your people are wounded and slaughtered.

16. Then the princes from the coast will come down from their thrones. They will remove their robes and take off their embroidered clothes. Dressed in terror, they will sit on the ground. They will tremble constantly and be shocked at you.

17. Then they will sing this funeral song for you:Tyre, you famous city, you have been destroyed.You have been shattered by the sea.You and your people ruled the sea.All your people terrified those who lived by the coast.

18. Your defeat will make the people who live by the coast tremble.Your end will terrify the islands in the sea.

19. “This is what the Almighty Lord says: I will turn your city into ruins like cities that have no one living in them. I will bring the deep ocean over you, and the Mediterranean Sea will cover you.

20. I will bring you down with those who descend to the grave to join the people of long ago. I will make you live below the earth among the ancient ruins with those who go down to the grave. You will never return or take your place in the land of the living.

21. I will turn you into a terror, and you will no longer exist. People will look for you, but they will never see you again,” declares the Almighty Lord.

Read complete chapter Ezekiel 26