Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 20:2-19 God's Word Translation (GW)

2. “I am the Lord your God, who brought you out of slavery in Egypt.

3. “Never have any other god.

4. Never make your own carved idols or statues that represent any creature in the sky, on the earth, or in the water.

5. Never worship them or serve them, because I, the Lord your God, am a God who does not tolerate rivals. I punish children for their parents’ sins to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me.

6. But I show mercy to thousands of generations of those who love me and obey my commandments.

7. “Never use the name of the Lord your God carelessly. The Lord will make sure that anyone who carelessly uses his name will be punished.

8. “Remember the day of worship by observing it as a holy day.

9. You have six days to do all your work.

10. The seventh day is the day of worship dedicated to the Lord your God. You, your sons, your daughters, your male and female slaves, your cattle, and the foreigners living in your city must never do any work ⌊on that day⌋.

11. In six days the Lord made heaven, earth, and the sea, along with everything in them. He didn’t work on the seventh day. That’s why the Lord blessed the day he stopped his work and set this day apart as holy.

12. “Honor your father and your mother, so that you may live for a long time in the land the Lord your God is giving you.

13. “Never murder.

14. “Never commit adultery.

15. “Never steal.

16. “Never lie when you testify about your neighbor.

17. “Never desire to take your neighbor’s household away from him.“Never desire to take your neighbor’s wife, his male or female slave, his ox, his donkey, or anything else that belongs to him.”

18. All the people heard the thunder and saw the lightning. They heard the blast of the ram’s horn and saw the mountain covered with smoke. So they shook with fear and stood at a distance.

19. Then they said to Moses, “You speak to us, and we’ll listen. But don’t let God speak to us, or we’ll die!”

Read complete chapter Exodus 20