Old Testament

New Testament

Daniel 5:16-28 God's Word Translation (GW)

16. I have heard that you can interpret such things and untangle problems. If you can read the writing and tell ⌊me⌋ its meaning, you will be dressed in purple, wear a gold chain on your neck, and become the third-highest ruler in the kingdom.”

17. Daniel told the king, “Keep your gifts. Give your gifts and awards to someone else. I’ll still read the writing for you and tell you its meaning.

18. “Your Majesty, the Most High God gave your grandfather Nebuchadnezzar a kingdom, might, honor, and glory.

19. People from every province, nation, and language trembled and were terrified by him, because God gave him power. Nebuchadnezzar killed whomever he wanted to kill, and he kept alive whomever he wanted to keep alive. He promoted whomever he wanted to promote, and he demoted whomever he wanted to demote.

20. But when he became so arrogant and conceited that he became overconfident, he was removed from the royal throne. His honor was taken away from him.

21. He was chased away from people, and his mind was changed into an animal’s mind. He lived with wild donkeys, ate grass like cattle, and his body became wet with dew from the sky. This happened until he realized that the Most High God has power over human kingdoms. God puts whomever he wishes in charge of them.

22. “Belshazzar, you are one of Nebuchadnezzar’s successors. You didn’t remain humble, even though you knew all this.

23. But you made yourself greater than the Lord of heaven. You had the utensils from his temple brought to you. You, your nobles, wives, and concubines drank wine from them. You praised your gods made of silver, gold, bronze, iron, wood, or stone. These gods can’t see, hear, or know anything. You didn’t honor God, who has power over your life and everything you do.

24. So he sent the hand to write this inscription.

25. This is what has been written: Numbered, Numbered, Weighed, and Divided.

26. This is its meaning: Numbered—God has numbered the days of your kingdom and will bring it to an end.

27. Weighed—you have been weighed on a scale and found to be too light.

28. Divided—your kingdom will be divided and given to the Medes and Persians.”

Read complete chapter Daniel 5