Old Testament

New Testament

Daniel 2:1-8 God's Word Translation (GW)

1. During the second year of Nebuchadnezzar’s reign, he had some dreams. He was troubled, but he stayed asleep.

2. The king sent for the magicians, psychics, sorcerers, and astrologers so that they could tell him what he had dreamed. So they came to the king.

3. The king said to them, “I had a dream, and I’m troubled by it. I want to know what the dream was.”

4. The astrologers spoke to the king in Aramaic, “Your Majesty, may you live forever! Tell us the dream, and we’ll interpret it for you.”

5. The king answered the astrologers, “I meant what I said! If you don’t tell me the dream and its meaning, you will be torn limb from limb, and your houses will be turned into piles of rubble.

6. But if you tell me the dream and its meaning, I will give you gifts, awards, and high honors. Now tell me the dream and its meaning.”

7. Once more they said, “Your Majesty, tell us the dream, and we’ll tell you its meaning.”

8. The king replied, “I’m sure you’re trying to buy some time because you know that I meant what I said.

Read complete chapter Daniel 2