Old Testament

New Testament

1 Chronicles 11:22-31 God's Word Translation (GW)

22. Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, was from Kabzeel and was a brave man who did many things. He killed two distinguished soldiers from Moab. He also went into a cistern and killed a lion on the day it snowed.

23. He killed an eight-foot-tall Egyptian. The Egyptian had a spear like a weaver’s beam in his hand. But Benaiah went to him with a club, grabbed the spear away from him, and killed him with it.

24. These are the things that Benaiah, son of Jehoiada, did. He was as famous as the three fighting men.

25. He was honored more than the thirty, but he was not a member of the three. David put him in charge of his bodyguards.

26. The distinguished fighting men wereJoab’s brother Asahel,Elhanan (son of Dodo) from Bethlehem,

27. Shammoth from Harod,Helez the Pelonite,

28. Ira (son of Ikkesh) from Tekoa,Abiezer from Anathoth,

29. Sibbecai (son of Hushai),Ilai (descendant of Ahohi),

30. Maharai from Netophah,Heled (son of Baanah) from Netophah,

31. Ithai (son of Ribai) from Gibeah in Benjamin,Benaiah from Pirathon,

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