Old Testament

New Testament

Matthew 26:47-52 God's Word Translation (GW)

47. Just then, while Jesus was still speaking, Judas, one of the twelve apostles, arrived. A large crowd carrying swords and clubs was with him. They were from the chief priests and leaders of the people.

48. Now, the traitor had given them a signal. He said, “The one I kiss is the man you want. Arrest him!”

49. Then Judas quickly stepped up to Jesus and said, “Hello, Rabbi!” and kissed him.

50. Jesus said to him, “Friend, why are you here?”Then some men came forward, took hold of Jesus, and arrested him.

51. Suddenly, one of the men with Jesus pulled out his sword and cut off the ear of the chief priest’s servant.

52. Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword away! All who use a sword will be killed by a sword.

Read complete chapter Matthew 26