Old Testament

New Testament

Luke 16:9-20 God's Word Translation (GW)

9. ⌊Jesus continued,⌋ “I’m telling you that although wealth is often used in dishonest ways, you should use it to make friends for yourselves. When life is over, you will be welcomed into an eternal home.

10. Whoever can be trusted with very little can also be trusted with a lot. Whoever is dishonest with very little is dishonest with a lot.

11. Therefore, if you can’t be trusted with wealth that is often used dishonestly, who will trust you with wealth that is real?

12. If you can’t be trusted with someone else’s wealth, who will give you your own?

13. “A servant cannot serve two masters. He will hate the first master and love the second, or he will be devoted to the first and despise the second. You cannot serve God and wealth.”

14. The Pharisees, who love money, heard all this and were making sarcastic remarks about him.

15. So Jesus said to them, “You try to justify your actions in front of people. But God knows what’s in your hearts. What is important to humans is disgusting to God.

16. “Moses’ Teachings and the Prophets were ⌊in force⌋ until the time of John. Since that time, people have been telling the Good News about the kingdom of God, and everyone is trying to force their way into it.

17. It is easier for the earth and the heavens to disappear than to drop a comma from the Scriptures.

18. “Any man who divorces his wife to marry another woman is committing adultery. The man who marries a woman divorced in this way is committing adultery.

19. “There was a rich man who wore expensive clothes. Every day was like a party to him.

20. There was also a beggar named Lazarus who was regularly brought to the gate of the rich man’s house.

Read complete chapter Luke 16