Old Testament

New Testament

Job 31:33-40 English Standard Version (ESV)

33. if I have concealed my transgressions as others doby hiding my iniquity in my heart,

34. because I stood in great fear of the multitude,and the contempt of families terrified me,so that I kept silence, and did not go out of doors—

35. Oh, that I had one to hear me!(Here is my signature! Let the Almighty answer me!)Oh, that I had the indictment written by my adversary!

36. Surely I would carry it on my shoulder;I would bind it on me as a crown;

37. I would give him an account of all my steps;like a prince I would approach him.

38. “If my land has cried out against meand its furrows have wept together,

39. if I have eaten its yield without paymentand made its owners breathe their last,

40. let thorns grow instead of wheat,and foul weeds instead of barley.”The words of Job are ended.

Read complete chapter Job 31