Old Testament

New Testament

Job 30:21-31 English Standard Version (ESV)

21. You have turned cruel to me;with the might of your hand you persecute me.

22. You lift me up on the wind; you make me ride on it,and you toss me about in the roar of the storm.

23. For I know that you will bring me to deathand to the house appointed for all living.

24. “Yet does not one in a heap of ruins stretch out his hand,and in his disaster cry for help?

25. Did not I weep for him whose day was hard?Was not my soul grieved for the needy?

26. But when I hoped for good, evil came,and when I waited for light, darkness came.

27. My inward parts are in turmoil and never still;days of affliction come to meet me.

28. I go about darkened, but not by the sun;I stand up in the assembly and cry for help.

29. I am a brother of jackalsand a companion of ostriches.

30. My skin turns black and falls from me,and my bones burn with heat.

31. My lyre is turned to mourning,and my pipe to the voice of those who weep.

Read complete chapter Job 30