Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 35:11-16 English Standard Version (ESV)

11. the tabernacle, its tent and its covering, its hooks and its frames, its bars, its pillars, and its bases;

12. the ark with its poles, the mercy seat, and the veil of the screen;

13. the table with its poles and all its utensils, and the bread of the Presence;

14. the lampstand also for the light, with its utensils and its lamps, and the oil for the light;

15. and the altar of incense, with its poles, and the anointing oil and the fragrant incense, and the screen for the door, at the door of the tabernacle;

16. the altar of burnt offering, with its grating of bronze, its poles, and all its utensils, the basin and its stand;

Read complete chapter Exodus 35