Old Testament

New Testament

Job 38:24-41 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

24. By what way is the light spread, and heat divided upon the earth?

25. Who gave a course to violent showers, or a way for noisy thunder:

26. That it should rain on the earth without man in the wilderness, where no mortal dwelleth:

27. That it should fill the desert and desolate land, and should bring forth green grass?

28. Who is the father of rain? or who begot the drops of dew?

29. Out of whose womb came the ice; and the frost from heaven who hath gendered it?

30. The waters are hardened like a stone, and the surface of the deep is congealed.

31. Shalt thou be able to join together the shining stars the Pleiades, or canst thou stop the turning about of Arcturus?

32. Canst thou bring forth the day star in its time, and make the evening star to rise upon the children of the earth?

33. Dost thou know the order of heaven, and canst thou set down the reason thereof on the earth?

34. Canst thou lift up thy voice to the clouds, that an abundance of waters may cover thee?

35. Canst thou send lightnings, and will they go, and will they return and say to thee: Here we are?

36. Who hath put wisdom in the heart of man? or who gave the cock understanding?

37. Who can declare the order of the heavens, or who can make the harmony of heaven to sleep?

38. When was the dust poured on the earth, and the clods fastened together?

39. Wilt thou take the prey for the lioness, and satisfy the appetite of her whelps,

40. When they couch in the dens and lie in wait in holes?

41. Who provideth food for the raven, when her young ones cry to God, wandering about, because they have no meat?

Read complete chapter Job 38