Old Testament

New Testament

Genesis 50:11-21 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

11. And when the inhabitants of Chanaan saw this, they said: This is a great mourning to the Egyptians. And therefore the name of that place was called, The mourning of Egypt.

12. So the sons of Jacob did as he had commanded them.

13. And carrying him into the land of Chanaan, they buried him in the double cave which Abraham had bought together with the held for a possession of a buryingplace, of Ephron the Hethite over against Mambre.

14. And Joseph returned into Egypt with his brethren, and all that were in his company, after he had buried his father.

15. Now he being dead, his brethren were afraid, and talked one with another: Lest perhaps he should remember the wrong he suffered, and requite us all the evil that we did to him.

16. And they sent a message to him, saying: Thy father commanded us before he died,

17. That we should say thus much to thee from him: I beseech thee to forget the wickedness of thy brethren, and the sin and malice they practiced against thee: we also pray thee, to forgive the servants of the God of thy father this wickedness. And when Joseph heard this, he wept.

18. And his brethren came to him: and worshipping prostrate on the ground they said: We are thy servants.

19. And he answered them: Fear not: can we resist the will of God?

20. You thought evil against me: but God turned it into good, that he might exalt me, as at present you see, and might save many people.

21. Fear not: I will feed you and your children. And he comforted them, and spoke gently and mildly.

Read complete chapter Genesis 50