Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 40:21-33 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

21. Setting there in order the loaves of proposition, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

22. He set the candlestick also in the tabernacle of the testimony over against the table on the south side,

23. Placing the lamps in order, according to the precept of the Lord.

24. He set also the altar of gold under the roof of the testimony over against the veil,

25. And burnt upon it the incense of spices, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

26. And he put also the hanging in the entry of the tabernacle of the testimony,

27. And the altar of holocaust of the entry of the testimony, offering the holocaust, and the sacrifices upon it, as the Lord had commanded.

28. And he set the laver between the tabernacle of the testimony and the altar, filling it with water.

29. And Moses and Aaron, and his sons washed their hands and feet,

30. When they went into the tabernacle of the covenant, and went to the altar, as the Lord had commanded Moses.

31. He set up also the court round about the tabernacle and the altar, drawing the hanging in the entry thereof. After all things were perfected,

32. The cloud covered the tabernacle of the testimony, and the glory of the Lord filled it.

33. Neither could Moses go into the tabernacle of the covenant, the cloud covering all things and the majesty of the Lord shining, for the cloud had covered all.

Read complete chapter Exodus 40