Old Testament

New Testament

Exodus 26:1-10 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

1. And thou shalt make the tabernacle in this manner: Thou shalt make ten curtains of fine twisted linen, and violet and purple, and scarlet twice dyed, diversified with embroidery.

2. The length of one curtain shall be twenty-eight cubits, the breadth shall be four cubits. All the curtains shall be of one measure.

3. Five curtains shall be joined one to another, and the other five shall be coupled together in like manner.

4. Thou shalt make loops of violet in the sides and tops of the curtains, that they may be joined one to another.

5. Every curtain shall have fifty loops on both sides, so set on, that one loop may be against another loop, and one may be fitted to the other.

6. Thou shalt make also fifty rings of gold wherewith the veils of the curtains are to be joined, that it may be made one tabernacle.

7. Thou shalt make also eleven curtains of goats' hair, to cover the top of the tabernacle.

8. The length of one hair curtain shall be thirty cubits: and the breadth four: the measure of all the curtains shall be equal.

9. Five of which thou shalt couple by themselves, and the six others thou shalt couple one to another, so as to double the sixth curtain in the front of the roof.

10. Thou shalt make also fifty loops in the edge of one curtain, that it may be joined with the other: and fifty loops in the edge of the other curtain, that it may be coupled with its fellow.

Read complete chapter Exodus 26