Old Testament

New Testament

Ecclesiasticus 25:21-33 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

21. And ally revenge, but the revenge of enemies.

22. There is no head worse than the head of a serpent:

23. And there is no anger above the anger of a woman. It will be more agreeable to abide with a lion and a dragon, than to dwell with a wicked woman.

24. The wickedness of a woman changeth her face: and she darkeneth her countenance as a bear: and sheweth it like sackcloth. In the midst of her neighbours,

25. Her husband groaned, and hearing he sighed a little.

26. All malice is shore to the malice of a woman, let the lot of sinners fall upon her.

27. As the climbing of a sandy way is to the feet of the aged, so is a wife full of tongue to a quiet man.

28. Look not upon a woman's beauty, and desire not a woman for beauty.

29. A woman's anger, and impudence, and confusion is great.

30. A woman, if she have superiority, is contrary to her husband.

31. A wicked woman abateth the courage, and maketh a heavy countenance, and a wounded heart.

32. Feeble hands, and disjointed knees, a woman that doth not make her husband happy.

33. From the woman came the beginning of sin, and by her we all die.

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