Old Testament

New Testament

3 Kings 9:8-16 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

8. And this house shall be made an example of: every one that shall pass by it, shall be astonished, and shall hiss, and say: Why hath the Lord done thus to this land, and to this house:

9. And they shall answer: Because they forsook the Lord their God, who brought their fathers out of the land of Egypt, and followed strange gods, and adored them, and worshipped them: therefore hath the Lord brought upon them all this evil.

10. And when twenty years were ended after Solomon had built the two houses, that is, the house of the Lord, and the house of the king,

11. (Hiram the king of Tyre furnishing Solomon with cedar trees and fir trees, and gold according to all he had need of) then Solomon gave Hiram twenty cities in the land of Galilee.

12. And Hiram came out of Tyre, to see the towns which Solomon had given him, and they pleased him not,

13. And he said: Are these the cities which thou hast given me, brother? And he called them the land of Chabul, unto this day.

14. And Hiram sent to king Solomon a hundred and twenty talents of gold.

15. This is the sum of the expenses, which king Solomon offered to build the house of the Lord, and his own house, and Mello, and the wall of Jerusalem, and Heser, and Mageddo, and Gazer.

16. Pharao the king of Egypt came up and took Gazer, and burnt it with fire: and slew the Chanaanite that dwelt in the city, and gave it for a dowry to his daughter, Solomon's wife.

Read complete chapter 3 Kings 9