Old Testament

New Testament

2 Kings 12:26-31 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

26. And Joab fought against Rabbath of the children of Ammon, and laid close siege to the royal city.

27. And Joab sent messengers to David, saying: I have fought against Rabbath, and the city of waters is about to be taken.

28. Now therefore gather thou the rest of the people together, and besiege the city and take it: lest when the city shall be wasted by me, the victory be ascribed to my name.

29. Then David gathered all the people together, and went out against Rabbath: and after fighting, he took it.

30. And he took the crown of their king from his head, the weight of which was a talent of gold, set with most precious stones, and it was put upon David's head, and the spoils of the city which were very great he carried away.

31. And bringing forth the people thereof he sawed them, and drove over them chariots armed with iron: and divided them with knives, and made them pass through brickkilns: so did he to all the cities of the children of Ammon: and David returned, with all the army to Jerusalem.

Read complete chapter 2 Kings 12