Old Testament

New Testament

1 Machabees 6:50-55 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

50. And the king took Bethsura: and he placed there a garrison to keep it.

51. And he turned his army against the sanctuary for many days: and he set up there battering slings, and engines and instruments to cast fire, and engines to cast stones and javelins, and pieces to shoot arrows, and slings.

52. And they also made engines against their engines, and they fought for many days.

53. But there were no victuals in the city, because it was the seventh year: and such as had stayed in Judea of them that came from among the nations, had eaten the residue of all that which had been stored up.

54. And there remained in the holy places but a few, for the famine had prevailed over them: and they were dispersed every man to his own place.

55. Now Lysias heard that Philip, whom king Antiochus while he lived had appointed to bring up his son Antiochus, and to reign, to be king,

Read complete chapter 1 Machabees 6