Old Testament

New Testament

1 Machabees 5:17-24 Douay-Rheims Challoner Revision 1752 (DRC1752)

17. And Judas said to Simon his brother: Choose thee men, and go, and deliver they brethren in Galilee: and I, and my brother Jonathan will go into the country of Galaad.

18. And he left Joseph the son of Zacharias, and Azarias captains of the people with the remnant of the army in Judea to keep it:

19. And he commanded them, saying: Take ye the charge of this people: but make no war against the heathens, till we return.

20. Now three thousand men were alloted to Simon, to go into Gallilee: and eight thousand to Judas to go into the land of Galaad.

21. And Simon went into Galilee, and fought many battles with the heathens: and the heathens were discomfited before his face, and he pursued them even to the gate of Ptolemais.

22. And there fell of the heathens almost three thousand men, and he took the spoils of them,

23. And he took with him those that were in Galilee and in Arbatis with their wives, and children, and all that they had, and he brought them into Judea with great joy.

24. And Judas Machabeus, and Jonathan his brother passed over the Jordan, and went three days' journey through the desert.

Read complete chapter 1 Machabees 5