Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 139:11-24 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

11. And if I say, Surely darkness shall cover me, and the light about me be night;

12. Even darkness hideth not from thee, and the night shineth as the day: the darkness is as the light.

13. For thou hast possessed my reins; thou didst cover me in my mother's womb.

14. I will praise thee, for I am fearfully, wonderfully made. Marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

15. My bones were not hidden from thee when I was made in secret, curiously wrought in the lower parts of the earth.

16. Thine eyes did see my unformed substance, and in thy book all my members were written; during many days were they fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

17. But how precious are thy thoughts unto me, O ·God how great is the sum of them!

18. If I would count them, they are more in number than the sand. When I awake, I am still with thee.

19. Oh that thou wouldest slay the wicked, O +God And ye men of blood, depart from me.

20. For they speak of thee wickedly, they take thy name in vain, thine enemies.

21. Do not I hate them, O Jehovah, that hate thee? and do not I loathe them that rise up against thee?

22. I hate them with perfect hatred; I account them mine enemies.

23. Search me, O ·God and know my heart; prove me, and know my thoughts;

24. And see if there be any grievous way in me; and lead me in the way everlasting.

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