Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 136:2-12 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

2. Give thanks unto the God of gods, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever;

3. Give thanks unto the Lord of lords, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever.

4. To him who alone doeth great wonders, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever:

5. To him that by understanding made the heavens, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever;

6. To him that stretched out the earth above the waters, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever;

7. To him that made great lights, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever;

8. The sun for rule over the day, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever,

9. The moon and stars for rule over the night, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever:

10. To him that smote Egypt in their firstborn, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever,

11. And brought out Israel from among them, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever,

12. With a powerful hand and with a stretched-out arm, for his loving-kindness endureth for ever;

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