Old Testament

New Testament

Ezra 2:41-49 Darby Translation 1890 (DARBY)

41. The singers: the children of Asaph, a hundred and twenty-eight.

42. The children of the doorkeepers: the children of Shallum, the children of Ater, the children of Talmon, the children of Akkub, the children of Hatita, the children of Shobai, in all a hundred and thirty-nine.

43. The Nethinim: the children of Ziha, the children of Hasupha, the children of Tabbaoth,

44. the children of Keros, the children of Siaha, the children of Padon,

45. the children of Lebanah, the children of Hagabah, the children of Akkub,

46. the children of Hagab, the children of Shamlai, the children of Hanan,

47. the children of Giddel, the children of Gahar, the children of Reaiah,

48. the children of Rezin, the children of Nekoda, the children of Gazzam,

49. the children of Uzza, the children of Phaseah, the children of Besai,

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