Old Testament

New Testament

Zephaniah 2:1-6 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. You disgraceful nation,gather around,

2. before it's too late.The Lord has set a timewhen his fierce angerwill strike like a stormand sweep you away.

3. If you humbly obey the Lord,then come and worship him.If you do right and are humble,perhaps you will be safeon that day when the Lordturns loose his anger.

4. Gaza and Ashkelonwill be desertedand left in ruins.Ashdod will be emptiedin broad daylight,and Ekron uprooted.

5. To you people of Philistiawho live along the coast,the Lord has this to say:“I am now your enemy,and I'll wipe you out!”

6. Your coast will be changedinto pasture landand sheep pens.

Read complete chapter Zephaniah 2