Old Testament

New Testament

Zechariah 14:12-18-19 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

12. Here is what the Lord will do to those who attack Jerusalem: while they are standing there, he will make their flesh rot and their eyes fall from their sockets and their tongues drop out.

13. The Lord will make them go into a frenzy and start attacking each other,

14-15. until even the people of Judah turn against those in Jerusalem. This same terrible disaster will also strike every animal nearby, including horses, mules, camels, and donkeys. Finally, everything of value in the surrounding nations will be collected and brought to Jerusalem—gold, silver, and piles of clothing.

16. Afterwards, the survivors from those nations that attacked Jerusalem will go there each year to worship the King, the Lord All-Powerful, and to celebrate the Festival of Shelters.

17. No rain will fall on the land of anyone in any country who refuses to go to Jerusalem to worship the King, the Lord All-Powerful.

18-19. This horrible disaster will strike the Egyptians and everyone else who refuses to go there for the celebration.

Read complete chapter Zechariah 14