Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 7:9-17 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

9. You know every heart and mind,and you always do right.Now make violent people stop,but protect all of uswho obey you.

10. You, God, are my shield,the protector of everyonewhose heart is right.

11. You see that justice is done,and each dayyou take revenge.

12. Whenever your enemies refuseto change their ways,you sharpen your swordand string your bow.

13. Your deadly arrows are readywith flaming tips.

14. An evil person is like a womanabout to give birthto a hateful, deceitful,and rebellious child.

15. Such people dig a deep hole,then fall in it themselves.

16. The trouble they causecomes back on them,and their heads are crushedby their own evil deeds.

17. I will praise you, Lord!You always do right.I will sing about you,the Lord Most High.

Read complete chapter Psalms 7