Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 69:5-12 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

5. You know my foolish sins.Not one is hidden from you.

6. Lord God All-Powerful,ruler of Israel,don't let me embarrass anyonewho trusts and worships you.

7. It is for your sake alonethat I am insultedand blush with shame.

8. I am like a strangerto my relativesand like a foreignerto my own family.

9. My love for your houseburns in me like a fire,and when others insulted you,they insulted me as well.

10. I cried and went without food,but they still insulted me.

11. They sneered at mefor wearing sackclothto show my sorrow.

12. Rulers and judges gossipabout me,and drunkards make up songsto mock me.

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