Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 69:25-35 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

25. Destroy their campand don't let anyone livein their tents.

26. They cause trouble for peopleyou have already punished;their gossip hurts thoseyou have wounded.

27. Make them guiltier than everand don't forgive them.

28. Wipe their names from the bookof the living;remove them from the listof the innocent.

29. I am ill-treated and in pain.Protect me, God,and keep me safe!

30. I will praise the Lord Godwith a songand a thankful heart.

31. This will please the Lordbetter than offering an oxor a full-grown bull.

32. When those in need see this,they will be happy,and the Lord's worshipperswill be encouraged.

33. The Lord will listenwhen the homeless cry out,and he will never forgethis people in prison.

34. Heaven and earthwill praise our God,and so will the oceansand everything in them.

35. God will rescue Jerusalem,and he will rebuildthe towns of Judah.His people will live thereon their own land,

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