Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 66:8-19 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

8. All you people,come, praise our God!Let his praises be heard.

9. God protects us from deathand keeps us steady.

10. Our God, you tested us,just as silver is tested.

11. You trapped us in a netand gave us heavy burdens.

12. You sent war chariotsto crush our skulls.We travelled through fireand through floods,but you brought usto a land of plenty.

13. I will bring sacrificesinto your house, my God,and I will do what I promised

14. when I was in trouble.

15. I will sacrifice my best sheepand offer bulls and goatson your altar.

16. All who worship God,come here and listen;I will tell you everythingGod has done for me.

17. I prayed to the Lord,and I praised him.

18. If my thoughts had been sinful,he would have refusedto hear me.

19. But God did listenand answered my prayer.

Read complete chapter Psalms 66