Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 38:11-22 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

11. Because of my sickness,no friends or neighbourswill come near me.

12. All who want me deadset traps to catch me,and those who wantto harm and destroy meplan and plot all day.

13. I am not able to hearor speak a word;

14. I am completely deafand can't make a sound.

15. I trust you, Lord God,and you will do something.

16. I said, “Don't let them laughor boast because I slip.”

17. I am about to collapsefrom constant pain.

18. I told you my sins,and I am sorry for them.

19. Many deadly and powerfulenemies hate me,

20. and they repay evil for goodbecause I try to do right.

21. You are the Lord God!Stay nearbyand don't desert me.

22. You are the one who saves me.Please hurry and help.

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