Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 132:10-18 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

10. David is your chosen one,so don't reject him.

11. You made a solemn promiseto David, when you said,“I, the Lord, promisethat someone in your familywill always be king.

12. If they keep our agreementand follow my teachings,then someone in your familywill rule for ever.”

13. You have gladly chosen Zionas your home, our Lord.

14. You said, “This is my home!I will live here for ever.

15. I will bless Zion with food,and even the poor will eatuntil they are full.

16. Victory will be like robesfor the priests,and its faithful peoplewill celebrate and shout.

17. I will give mighty powerto the kingdom of David.Each one of my chosen kingswill shine like a lamp

18. and wear a sparkling crown.But I will disgracetheir enemies.”

Read complete chapter Psalms 132