Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 119:89-104 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

89. Our Lord, you are eternal!Your word will last as longas the heavens.

90. You remain faithfulin every generation,and the earth you createdwill keep standing firm.

91. All things are your servants,and the laws you madeare still in effect today.

92. If I had not found happinessin obeying your Law,I would have died in misery.

93. I won't ever forgetyour teachings,because you give me new lifeby following them.

94. I belong to you,and I have respected your laws,so keep me safe.

95. Brutal enemies are waitingto ambush and destroy me,but I obey your rules.

96. Nothing is completely perfect,except your teachings.

97. I deeply love your Law!I think about it all day.

98. Your laws never leave my mind,and they make me much wiserthan my enemies.

99. Thinking about your teachingsgives me better understandingthan my teachers,

100. and obeying your lawsmakes me wiser than thosewho have lived a long time.

101. I obey your wordinstead of following a waythat leads to trouble.

102. You have been my teacher,and I won't rejectyour instructions.

103. Your teachings are sweeterthan honey.

104. They give me understandingand make me hate all lies.

Read complete chapter Psalms 119