Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 119:70-89 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

70. Those liars have no sense,but I find happinessin your Law.

71. When you corrected me,it did me goodbecause it taught meto study your laws.

72. I would rather obey youthan have a thousand piecesof silver and gold.

73. You created meand put me together.Make me wise enough to learnwhat you have commanded.

74. Your worshippers will see me,and they will be gladthat I trust your word.

75. Your decisions are correct,and you were rightto punish me.

76. I serve you, Lord.Comfort me with your love,just as you have promised.

77. I love to obey your Law!Have mercy and let me live.

78. Put down those proud peoplewho hurt me with their lies,because I have chosento study your teachings.

79. Let your worshippers come to me,so they will learnto obey your rules.

80. Let me truly respect your laws,so I won't be ashamed.

81. I long for you to rescue me!Your word is my only hope.

82. I am worn out from waitingfor you to keep your word.When will you have mercy?

83. My life is wasting awaylike a dried up wineskin,but I have not forgottenyour teachings.

84. I am your servant!How long must I suffer?When will you punishthose troublemakers?

85. Those proud people rejectyour teachings,and they dig pitsfor me to fall in.

86. Your laws can be trusted!Protect me from cruel liars.

87. They have almost killed me,but I have been faithfulto your teachings.

88. Show that you love meand let me live,so that I may obey allof your commands.

89. Our Lord, you are eternal!Your word will last as longas the heavens.

Read complete chapter Psalms 119