Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 119:47-66 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

47. I love your commands!They bring me happiness.

48. I love and respect themand will keep them in mind.

49. Don't forget your promiseto me, your servant.I depend on it.

50. When I am suffering,I find comfort in your promisethat leads to life.

51. Conceited people sneer at me,but I obey your Law.

52. I find true comfort, Lord,because your laws have stoodthe test of time.

53. I get furious when evil peopleturn against your Law.

54. No matter where I am,your teachingsfill me with songs.

55. Even in the nightI think about you, Lord,and I obey your Law.

56. You have blessed mebecause I have always followedyour teachings.

57. You, Lord, are my choice,and I will obey you.

58. With all my heartI beg you to be kind to me,just as you have promised.

59. I pay careful attentionas you lead me,and I follow closely.

60. As soon as you command,I do what you say.

61. Evil people may set a trap,but I obey your Law.

62. Your laws are so fairthat I wake up and praise youin the middle of the night.

63. I choose as my friendseveryone who worships youand follows your teachings.

64. Our Lord, your love is seenall over the world.Teach me your laws.

65. I am your servant, Lord,and you have kept your promiseto treat me with kindness.

66. Give me wisdom and good sense.I trust your commands.

Read complete chapter Psalms 119