Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 108:1-8 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

1. Our God, I am faithful to youwith all my heart,and you can trust me.I will singand play music for youwith all that I am.

2. I will start playing my harpsbefore the sun rises.

3. I will praise you, Lord,for everyone to hear;I will sing hymns to youin every nation.

4. Your love reaches higherthan the heavens,and your loyalty extendsbeyond the clouds.

5. Our God, may you be honouredabove the heavens;may your glory be seeneverywhere on earth.

6. Answer my prayersand use your powerful armto give us victory.Then the people you lovewill be safe.

7. Our God, from your holy placeyou made this promise:“I will gladly divide upthe city of Shechemand give away Succoth Valleypiece by piece.

8. The lands of Gileadand Manasseh are mine.Ephraim is my war helmet,and Judah is my symbolof royal power.

Read complete chapter Psalms 108