Old Testament

New Testament

Psalms 104:28-35 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

28. and you feed each onewith your own hand,until they are full.

29. But when you turn away,they are terrified;when you end their life,they die and rot.

30. You created all of themby your Spirit,and you give new lifeto the earth.

31. Our Lord, we praythat your glorywill last for everand that you will be pleasedwith what you have done.

32. You look at the earth,and it trembles.You touch the mountains,and smoke goes up.

33. As long as I live,I will sing and praise you,the Lord God.

34. I hope my thoughtswill please you,because you are the onewho makes me glad.

35. Destroy all wicked sinnersfrom the earthonce and for all.With all my heartI praise you, Lord!I praise you!

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