Old Testament

New Testament

Proverbs 5:5-15 Contemporary English Version Anglicised (CEVUK00)

5. If you follow her,she will lead you downto the world of the dead.

6. She has missed the paththat leads to lifeand doesn't even know it.

7. My son, listen to meand do everything I say.

8. Stay away from a bad woman!Don't even go near the doorof her house.

9. You will lose your self-respectand end up in debtto some cruel personfor the rest of your life.

10. Strangers will get your moneyand everything elseyou have worked for.

11. When it's all over,your body will waste away,as you groan

12. and shout,“I hated advice and correction!

13. I paid no attentionto my teachers,

14. and now I am disgracedin front of everyone.”

15. You should be faithfulto your wife,just as you take waterfrom your own well.

Read complete chapter Proverbs 5